Ubinan Survey Carried out in the Village of Semboja - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Ubinan Survey Carried out in the Village of Semboja

Ubinan Survey Carried out in the Village of Semboja

March 16, 2024 | BPS Activities

On Saturday, March 16, 2024, Ubinan Superintendent, Ari Yulianto, and the plywood scavenger, Maj. Wicaksono conducted a plywood survey in the village of Semboja, Pagerbarang district. Although it was a day off and a month of fasting, the duty was carried out well and correctly.

Surveys of tiles are carried out in order to implement KSA Subround 1 in 2024. Ubinan Points are located in the village of Semboja to gather important data related to Padi Sawah Plants in the region. Despite the holidays and fasting conditions, the officers still perform their duties with full responsibility and professionalism.

Surveyor of tiles, Ari Yulianto, along with the tiles detector, have carried out surveys carefully and carefully. They work hard to gather accurate and reliable data to support the implementation of Ubinan Padi Sawah in Tegal district.

It is hoped that the results of this survey will provide valuable and useful information for planning and development in Indonesia. May the tiles survey work smoothly and produce accurate and useful data for all parties involved. (Ary)
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