The Declaration of a Beautiful Village in Ujungrusi Village, Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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The Declaration of a Beautiful Village in Ujungrusi Village, Tegal Regency

The Declaration of a Beautiful Village in Ujungrusi Village, Tegal Regency

October 28, 2022 | Other Activities

The declaration of Ujungrusi Village as a Beautiful Village, the Village of Cinta Statistics in Tegal Regency was held on Friday, October 28, 2022. In addition, the Head of BPS for Tegal Regency and the team for the declaration of Beautiful Village were attended by Representatives from the BAPERMADES Service, Representatives from Adiwerna District, and Village Heads. Ujungrusi and their staff, Ujungrusi Village BPD, RT, RW and community leaders in Ujungrusi Village.

The declaration of the Beautiful Village is a stage in the coaching and mentoring process that will be carried out by the Tegal Regency BPS to Ujungrusi Village, Adiwerna District. The guidance includes data management and management as well as the business process of organizing statistics in accordance with statistical rules. From this activity, it is hoped that the village government will be able to improve the quality of sectoral data independently.

The election of Ujungrusi Village as a Beautiful Village is expected to become a Pioneer Village which will later be able to transmit its knowledge and experience to villages in Tegal Regency. It is hoped that gradually other Beautiful Villages in Tegal Regency will emerge that are able to manage and utilize the data they have for village development. And at the end of it created a Beautiful Village in Tegal Regency.

The launching event began with remarks from the Head of Ujungrusi Village, BPD Ujungrusi Village, Adiwerna District, Head of BPS Tegal Regency and the BAPERMADES Office regarding the expectations to be achieved and the need for participation from all elements of the Ujungrusi Village community in the success of the Cinta Statistics Village program.

The event ended with the implementation of the Beautiful Village Declaration Charter from the Tegal Regency BPS to the Ujungrusi Village as a sign of the start of cooperation in building synergies and contributing to the development of Ujungrusi Village.(Titin)
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