March 17, 2024 | BPS Activities
Tegal Regency - In the blessed atmosphere of Ramadan, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Tegal Regency remains committed to carrying out its essential duties. On Sunday, March 17, 2024, BPS conducted rice field measurements in several villages in Tegal Regency, including Srengseng Village in Pagerbarang Subdistrict, Gunung Agung Village in Bumijawa Subdistrict, and Kalisapu Village in Slawi Subdistrict.
The rice measurement method, which involves sampling rice plants in a 2.5 meter x 2.5 meter area, was carried out with high precision and patience by the enumerators, even though they were fasting. In Gunung Agung Village, Gilang Windiarto was responsible for taking samples. In Srengseng Village, Sugito took on the measurement responsibilities, and in Kalisapu Village, Sutari and Muhamad Ulil Azmi performed the same tasks.
Supervisor Martin Muktiasih was present to ensure the smooth running of the rice measurement process in Srengseng Village. The results of these measurements were then sent to the BPS server to estimate the total rice production in the region.
Armed with rice measurement equipment and scales, the farmers harvested and threshed the rice, weighing the grains accurately. This is their significant contribution to the estimation of rice production, which will form the basis for national agricultural planning and policy. (Uonk)
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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