Training on Agricultural Economic Survey Data Processing 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Training on Agricultural Economic Survey Data Processing 2024

Training on Agricultural Economic Survey Data Processing 2024

June 28, 2024 | BPS Activities

On Friday and Saturday, June 28-29, 2024, the Tegal Regency Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) conducted a training program focused on processing data from the Agricultural Economic Survey (SEP). The training aimed to enhance the skills of personnel involved in managing agricultural sector data.

The training took place at the BPS Tegal Regency office and was led by instructor Sodikin, who also serves as the Head of the Processing Team. Four personnel were trained in SEP data processing, with one supervisor overseeing the process.

Key topics highlighted during the training included:

  1. Introduction to the Server-Client Model: Participants gained an understanding of the concepts and architecture of server-client systems within the context of agricultural economic survey applications.
  2. SQL Database Management: Best practices for managing data using SQL, including configuration, adjustments, and database performance.
  3. Coding Editing: Techniques for reviewing and correcting code that does not align with the SEP 2024 programming standards.
  4. Application Editing: The role and responsibilities of application editors in ensuring the smooth functioning of agricultural economic survey applications, including monitoring, debugging, and error correction.
  5. Application Security: Principles of security applied during the development of agricultural economic survey applications, including data protection and access control.
  6. Performance Optimization: Strategies to enhance application and SQL Server database performance to handle large and complex survey data volumes.
  7. Problem Solving: Skills in identifying and resolving technical issues that may arise during data processing for agricultural economic surveys.

This training equips participants with the necessary skills to manage IT infrastructure effectively and optimize the use of agricultural economic survey applications. πŸ“ŠπŸŒΎπŸ‘ (Uzy)

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