2022 Data Needs Survey Online Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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For more details, please visit the Tegal Regency BPS Integrated Statistics Service, open Monday to Friday 08.00 WIB to 15.30 WIB.

2022 Data Needs Survey Online Training

2022 Data Needs Survey Online Training

May 18, 2022 | BPS Activities

To provide the best service to BPS data users, a Data Needs Survey was conducted with respondents from various data users and stakeholders. Prior to conducting the survey, staff training was conducted.
This training was carried out online through a zoom meeting on May 18, 2022. The officers were enumerator Adi Prayitno and examiner Puji Astuti. Field data collection will be carried out in June 2022.
It is hoped that Tegal Regency BPS Data Users can provide honest and appropriate answers. So that in the future the Tegal Regency Integrated Statistics Service can improve for the better. (uonk)
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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