BPS VISITS SMAN 1 SLAWI Empowering Data-Literate Generation Building a Nation Based on Facts - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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BPS VISITS SMAN 1 SLAWI Empowering Data-Literate Generation Building a Nation Based on Facts

BPS VISITS SMAN 1 SLAWI Empowering Data-Literate Generation Building a Nation Based on Facts

November 1, 2024 | Other Activities

Tegal, November 1, 2024 - As part of the Statistics Literacy Go To School program, Ika Efrilia, a Junior Statistician and Head of the Statistics Go to School Team, along with Amin Sukardi and Adiprima Widi Nugroho, visited SMAN 1 Slawi. This visit also involved 2024 STIS graduates, namely Laeli Amelia, Atina Asyfa Amania, Arum Eka Fitriyani, Diska Agustinningtyas, Juan Pradana Putra, and Muhamad Reza Rahman, to share statistics literacy and introduce STIS Polstat to students of class 10.1, 10.2, and 10.3 at SMAN 1 Slawi.

During this visit, the Statistics Go To School Team provided insights into how BPS plays a role in providing data on production availability through an introduction to understanding planted area, harvested area, and productivity. In addition, this session also explained the concepts and definitions, as well as the methods used by BPS. The introduction of the area sample frame (KSA) and ubinan methods provided new insights for the 10th-grade students of SMAN 1 Slawi. The material was delivered interactively and accompanied by real-world implementation examples that could train students' cognitive abilities, particularly in numeracy literacy. The good mastery of the material and the examples of reasoning problems commonly encountered by students were able to attract attention and elicit various positive responses during the material delivery.

At the end of the session, a quiz was presented using the digital platform kahoot.it with a theme that was relevant to Gen Alpha, so the students' enthusiasm in answering was very high, and the prizes for the quiz winners further enlivened the quiz session. The students also showed their interest in STIS Polstat, as evidenced by questions regarding the necessary preparations and the dynamics of lectures at the vocational school.

It is hoped that in the future, the synergy between BPS Tegal County and SMAN 1 Slawi will be beneficial in fostering statistical literacy skills among students and their interest in vocational schools (Sekdin), particularly STIS Polstat. (STIS OJT).
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