Socio-Economic Development of Tegal Regency 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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March 8: Indonesian Women's Day

Socio-Economic Development of Tegal Regency 2021

Catalog Number : 3101004.3328
Publication Number : 33280.2215
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : July 18, 2022
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 2.61 MB


As a “Provider of Quality Statistical Data for Advanced Indonesia”, BPS continues to improve the quality of the data it produces. Apart from being a data collector, BPS also stores and presents data so that it is easily accessible to data users. The presentation of data and information in the form of infographics was made to celebrate the 421st Birthday of Tegal Regency on 18 May 2022. It is hoped that this book can provide an overview of socio-economic developments in Tegal Regency in 2020 and 2021. The indicators presented include, among others Population, Employment, Human Development Index, Poverty, and Economic Growth.
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