Analysis of the Results of the 2023 Tegal Regency BPS Data Needs Survey - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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March 8: Indonesian Women's Day

Analysis of the Results of the 2023 Tegal Regency BPS Data Needs Survey

Catalog Number : 1399013.3328
Publication Number : 33280.2329
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 8, 2023
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 5.82 MB


The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), as one of the public service providers that provides statistical data and information, always tries to provide excellent service to consumers. BPS has organized SKM routinely every year which is integrated into the Data Needs Survey (SKD). This survey not only aims to obtain the level of consumer satisfaction with BPS data services, but also aims to identify data needs and the level of consumer satisfaction with the quality of data produced by BPS.The report on the results of the implementation of SKD 2023 is presented in the form of a publication entitled "Analysis of Data Needs Survey Results of BPS Tegal Regency 2023". This publication contains an overview of consumer data needs and consumer perceptions of BPS PST service performance as well as consumer perceptions of BPS data quality. The main indicators presented in this publication include the Consumer Satisfaction Index (CCI) and the Anti-Corruption Perception Index (IPAK).
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