Inauguration of Structural Officials in BPS through Zoom Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Inauguration of Structural Officials in BPS through Zoom Meeting

Inauguration of Structural Officials in BPS through Zoom Meeting

June 22, 2020 | Other Activities

On Monday, June 22, 2020, the Central Java Provincial Statistics Board was inaugurated and the Office Oath was held in the Central Java Provincial Statistics Agency. This event is based on a letter from the Province which demands an organization where officials who have served more than 5 years are transferred to another section or to another Regency. Mutation is not a punishment, but enrichment and refreshment for better HR.
The inauguration and appointment of officials in an organization is a mandate, not just trust and honor. That was what was stressed by the Head of BPS of Central Java Province, Sentot Bangun Widoyono, when he inaugurated and took the oath of office of 99 echelon 3 and 4 officials, Monday (6/22).
The inauguration was carried out through video conferencing in each BPS Prov / District / City BPS Office in Central Java while continuing to prioritize health protocol standards.
Congratulations to all appointed officials, congratulations on working with data, may the mandate of holding positions and making BPS better. (Tri / Nerwil)
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