January 4, 2021 | Other Activities
The year 2021
begins with Senin Ngangenin activities, namely SENIN Ngakrabna kakancan, Ngebagi ilmu dan informasi.
At the event, some
information was conveyed, including by the Chairman about the rules for daily
money, the cost of official vehicles, and about keeping the office clean and
the work environment.
For Winda
Dwijaningrum as the first statistician, he conveyed in this forum about the
MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator), which is a tool or framework for
understanding the personality types of each employee in BPS Tegal Regency.
The last session
was a presentation by STIS student, Muhamad Dawwam Ihza Maulana, about
his thesis which classified the happy and unhappy residents. How a person can
be happy, the things that need to be done, and what should not be done.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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