PMTB Disaggregation Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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PMTB Disaggregation Training

PMTB Disaggregation Training

February 22, 2023 | BPS Activities

In line with the Government Work Plan (RKP) 2023, namely Increasing Productivity for Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation, National Priority -1 Strengthening Economic Resilience for Quality and Equitable Growth, physical investment data or Gross Fixed Capital Formation (PMTB) is needed, broken down by type of fixed asset, business field, and institutional sector. To fulfill this need, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) carried out the preparation of the PMTB Disaggregation.

On February 21-24, 2023, BPS Central Java Province held a training for enumeration officers of the 2023 PMTB Disaggregation Compilation Survey at the Harris Hotel Sentraland Semarang, for 4 days, which was attended by around 200 participants from all regencies in Central Java. The training was opened by the Head of BPS Central Java Province, Ir. Adhi Wiriana, Msi, accompanied by Didik Nur Setyohadi, Associate Expert Statistician, Head of the Nerwilis Team of BPS Central Java Province.

The training was divided into 7 classes with instructors from BPS RI and BPS Province with around 28 participants per class consisting of PML and PCL. BPS Tegal Regency sent Ir. Tri Wahyuni, Head of the Regional Balance Team and Annisa Purbaning Tyas, S.ST, MEKK, First Statistician of BPS Tegal Regency to participate in the activity. (Tri W)
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