Special Survey of Household Savings and Investments 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Special Survey of Household Savings and Investments 2021

Special Survey of Household Savings and Investments 2021

September 8, 2021 | BPS Activities

The large role of the household in the economy causes the need to continue to observe the level and changes in the economic characteristics of the household. Information on household economic characteristics can be obtained through observations of the household economy, which can be derived from the Household Balance Sheet.
The Special Survey for Household Savings and Investments aims to obtain a comprehensive picture of household financial flows and investment processes, namely in the form of income and expenditure, savings, capital formation, and financial transactions.
For the Central Bureau of Statistics of Tegal Regency, the sample falls in Margasari District, with a sample of 10 households and the sample has been determined by the methodology. There is a main sample of 10 respondents and 10 additional respondents are substituted, this is intended so that when the main respondent cannot. (Tri/Nerwil)
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