UPS Student Internship at BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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UPS Student Internship at BPS

UPS Student Internship at BPS

September 14, 2021 | Other Activities

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia has implemented Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) as well as BPS.

However, the implementation of PPKM did not dampen BPS' intention to accept internship students from UPS Tegal. BPS accepts 5 internship students where the Internship will be held on Monday, 06 September 2021. The internship is carried out for 2 months with the following terms and conditions:

-  Internship students are required to submit Covid-19 negative swab results

-  Internship students must always apply health protocols

-  Internship students must follow BPS work rules

In accordance with the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 03 of 2021, BPS also applies the 50% WFH/WFO system rule because as of September 13, 2021 the PPKM period in Tegal Regency is still at level 2.

Based on the work rules, the internship students are divided into 2 shifts, each shift consists of 2 and 3 students with a work schedule of one day WFO and one day WFH alternately.

That way, BPS can continue to contribute to the implementation of Government programs and assist the Internship Program of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pancasakti University, Tegal.

(Eka/UPS; ed: Tyas/Nerwil)
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