Kemenpan RB Evaluation Desk at BPS Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Kemenpan RB Evaluation Desk at BPS Tegal Regency

Kemenpan RB Evaluation Desk at BPS Tegal Regency

November 17, 2021 | Other Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics of Tegal Regency participated in the Evaluation Desk organized by the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia which was held virtually with a zoom meeting on Wednesday, November 17, 2021.
This is in accordance with the Letter of the Deputy for Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability, and Supervision of the Kemenpan-RB number: B/158/PW.03/2020 dated November 3, 2020, the implementation of the 2020 Integrity Zone Evaluation Desk.
The Evaluation Desk was carried out boldly, followed by the Assessment Team from the Kemenpan-RB namely Yanneri and Alifta Rahma Nirmala and the Internal Assessment Team (TPI) from the BPS RI Inspectorate.
There are 10 participants from the BPS Regency of Tegal, the first is the account of the Head of BPS Ir. Jamaludin, MM as the material presenter, 1 operator account by Annisa Purbaningtyas, 2 developer accounts, namely those who made the application, namely Imam Furqon Roziqin and Adnan Puji Wahyudi, and 6 accounts for the Pillars of Change, namely the Function Coordinators of BPS Tegal Regency.
 The evaluation began at 15.40 WIB with a little direction from the Evaluator and continued with an explanation of the ZI development by the Head of BPS Tegal Regency for 23 minutes faster than the time provided, which was 30 minutes. In his presentation, Ir. Jamaludin, MM presented the progress of ZI reform at the Tegal Regency BPS before and before the construction of the Integrity Zone. Then explain the targets in each area change, achievements that have been made during ZI, existing public service innovations, applications that have been made to measure employee discipline and employee performance, and various progress from ZI development that has been carried out in the framework of WBK and WBBM. After delivering the presentation, the Kemenpan-RB Evaluator Team immediately responded and gave several related questions submitted by the leadership. Alhamdulillah, all questions can be answered "clearly" and explained with evidence of screenshots, photos or web links that have been compiled. The Evaluator Team appreciated the efforts made by the Tegal Regency BPS in the development of the ZI, and expressed their gratitude for the joint efforts of the Tegal Regency ZI Team. The spirit of the Tegal Regency BPS is that it is hoped that it will be able to win the WBK Satker according to the assessment of the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform….bismillah…amen. (Tri/Nerwil)
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