ASSESSING PRODUCTIVITY WITH UBINAN - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day



September 23, 2021 | BPS Activities

BPS synergizes with BPS Partners to carry out Tiling activities to estimate the Productivity of Rice and Palawija three times a year or called one subround for one assessment period.
One thing that needs to be prepared before doing the tiles is mental and energy. Because the tile tools used are quite heavy and the terrain is not easy. Especially if the sample is in a mountainous area where the rice fields are terraced.
The tiles carried out are divided into two, namely rice tiles or KSA tiles and Palawija tiles. Rice tiles samples were taken from KSA activities which are routinely carried out in the last week of every month. While the Palawija tiles sample was taken from the results of Updating households in the selected Census Block.
Keeping Tile samples from escaping is easy as they have to compete with slashers. Farmers cannot determine the harvest schedule after their crops are purchased by the slasher, so they often lose out quickly to Combine.
About 2 years ago, BPS of Tegal Regency obtained 257 tile samples, with details of 100 samples of palawija tiles and 157 samples of rice tiles (KSA).
Samples were distributed to 20 officers with a task load of about 10-20 samples each.
Another obstacle faced by officers, apart from chasing slashers, was the lack of tile tools in the district. For Tegal Regency itself, there are only 5 tools that must be used alternately by 20 officers.
If the harvest is close, it will be closely related to the presence of the tile tool.
Hopefully in the future the tile tools can be added in order to anticipate passing the harvest that has become a subscription for each subround.(Mila/Prod)
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