Guest from Central BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Guest from Central BPS

Guest from Central BPS

October 13, 2021 | Other Activities

On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, at the BPS Regency of Tegal, guests from the Central BPS, Risyanto, S.Si. MSi and Adi Nugroho, S.ST regarding information on economic phenomena that occurred in Tegal Regency to support the calculation of HDI figures, and the Gender Development Index.

            There were interesting discussions, among others, regarding the condition of the number of unemployed in Tegal Regency associated with the HDI figure of Tegal Regency which increased while the number of unemployed also increased. This happens because the benchmark for increasing HDI is not only the workforce, but also education, and health.

In the field of education, the program launched by the District Government with “Yuh Sekolah Maning” to solve school dropouts has succeeded in improving the quality of education. Likewise in the field of health improvement, the Posyandu program, cafeteria, cafe for toddlers, vaccine program, health checks for the elderly, prolanis and others are quite successful in improving the quality of human life in Tegal Regency in terms of health.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate rose due to the covid pandemic, causing many workers to be laid off, either in the Tegal Regency area or returning from a big city like Jakarta. Moreover, last July there was PPKM due to the spread of Covid, adding to the decline in community activities, especially small traders or hawkers. For the new workforce, it is also difficult to find work because many companies have temporarily stopped their operations.

But whatever it is, may we remain grateful servants, be patient to accept all tests, and keep the spirit of carrying out activities and worship. Amen. (tri/nerwilis)
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