Inspectorate Examination Results Evaluation Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Inspectorate Examination Results Evaluation Meeting

Inspectorate Examination Results Evaluation Meeting

October 25, 2021 | Other Activities

After six days the BPS RI Inspectorate Auditor Team in Tegal Regency, namely on 18 - 23 October 2021, finally the Financial Administration Audit examination at BPS Tegal Regency was completed.
The results of the examination were described in an evaluation meeting held at the Grand Dian Hotel on October 22, 2021. This meeting was also attended by the Central Java Province BPS Team who witnessed and recorded what the Inspectorate Team found.
Starting from the purpose of this activity, it was to improve the technical and administrative quality of each activity carried out by the BPS of Tegal Regency, finding several things that needed to be improved in its "spj". Also related to activities that have not been attached to a decree, the Tegal Regency BPS must also fulfill it.
The Examining Auditor Team's notes on the Financial Administration Accountability of the Tegal Regency BPS Team are neat, easy to find so that the auditor team can examine them in a coherent manner, and not be confusing. If there are some documents that do not exist because of the administrative workload so that some are missed, even if only a few. There is no ivory that is not cracked, Even perfection belongs to Allah, so these shortcomings make us even better at creating. The Auditor Team has guided us and directed us for better administration, thanks also to the Provincial Team for accompanying us in the Evaluation Meeting. Together we can, together we are better (Tri/Nerwil)
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