Evaluation Meeting of Distribution Statistics - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Evaluation Meeting of Distribution Statistics

Evaluation Meeting of Distribution Statistics

December 19, 2023 | Other Activities

Slawi, December 19, 2023 - Permata Inn Hotel witnessed the Distribution Statistics Evaluation Meeting which took place on Tuesday, December 19, 2023, from 08.00 to 17.00 WIB. The event was attended by officers and presenters from BPS Tegal Regency in the field of distribution statistics, focusing on the understanding and importance of the survey.
The Head of the General Subdivision, Andi Kurniawan, SST, Msi, and the Head of the Data Processing and Statistical Work Area Team, Sodikin, SST, attended together with the main speaker, the Head of the Price Statistics Team, Moh Bakhtiar Helmi, SST, and all officers of the 2023 Distribution Statistics Survey.
In his speech, Andi Kurniawan reflected on the ups and downs of being a distribution survey officer. He shared his experiences, ranging from the fun experience of traveling around hotels in Tegal Regency to the challenges of interacting with busy respondents.
The main agenda of the meeting involved a refresher on distribution surveys conducted in Tegal Regency, including price statistics, hotel surveys, financial surveys, and distribution pattern surveys. Price statistics include various surveys, such as wholesale trade, producer prices, rural price surveys, and construction cost surveys. Meanwhile, the hotel survey, financial survey, and distribution pattern survey involved important sectors in Tegal Regency's economic activities.
Bahtiar Helmi emphasized the importance of price monitoring for stakeholders to maintain the inflation rate in Tegal Regency. In addition, regional financial monitoring was also a focus, involving business characteristics survey, village financial survey, regional financial survey, financial institutions survey, BUMD survey, and distribution pattern survey.
In the conclusion of the meeting, it was expected that the officers understood the importance of conducting price surveys in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). A good understanding will contribute greatly to maintaining the accuracy and relevance of the data generated from the distribution statistics survey. Thus, this evaluation meeting is the first step to improving the quality and effectiveness of distribution surveys in the future. (uong)
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