Slawi, December 18, 2023 - The Communication and Informatics Office of Tegal Regency held an Evaluation Meeting of Advanced Sectoral Statistics Activities which also discussed the follow-up of metadata data collection. The event took place at Wayank Sate Slawi, attended by various related parties.
This activity was opened by the Head of the Communication and Informatics Office, Dra. Nurhayati, MM, who gave the opening remarks. The meeting was attended by the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, SST, M.Si, 11 Sat Set Team Leaders, two Tegal Regency data secretaries from Bappeda and Litbang Tegal Regency, and one person from DPU as a Geospatial data coach. All members of the DSP Division of Kominfo Tegal Regency also attended this meeting.
Evaluation of Sectoral Statistics activities was conducted from July to November 2023. Various aspects of the activities were evaluated, including the appointment of the next EPSS locus. Preparation for the next EPSS activity was also an important agenda, including the appointment of 6 DPOs with the best activities and commitment, based on the TIM assessment.
The meeting highlighted the importance of intensive communication between DPU as the geospatial data coach with Bapeda and Diskominfo. These steps are considered crucial to support the smooth running of sectoral statistical activities and metadata data collection in the future.
In conclusion, the meeting provided direction and recommendations for the improvement and development of sectoral statistical activities. Commitment and cooperation from various parties are expected to bring positive changes in organizing similar activities in the future. (uong)