Officers Get Ready, Household Enumeration Begins - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Officers Get Ready, Household Enumeration Begins

Officers Get Ready, Household Enumeration Begins

November 13, 2023 | BPS Activities

Slawi - This November, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Tegal Regency held the Fourth Quarter Integrated Household Survey (SERUTI) 2023, a data collection to determine the condition of the regional economy in the fourth quarter of this year. 
This activity was designed to detail the value and pattern of income, consumption expenditure, non-consumption, investment, and household financial transactions. Thus, BPS Tegal Regency hopes to obtain an accurate and comprehensive portrait of the economic dynamics in this region.
Before going to the field, SERUTI officers were briefed on field management according to SOP in order to obtain quality data. They not only understand the concept and definition of SERUTI, but are also trained in enumeration and supervision procedures.  With assistance and supervision, each PCL is expected to be able to carry out their duties accurately and efficiently. Each PML will assist 1-2 PCLs, keeping each census block well covered.
SERUTI in Tegal Regency involved the collaboration of 11 statistical partner PCLs and 6 BPS organic PMLs. Each PCL was responsible for recording 2 census blocks, with a total of 22 census blocks to be surveyed. The enumeration of SERUTI 4th quarter sample households will take place from November 11 to 30, 2023.
"Quality data is the foundation of strong policies," said the Head of BPS Tegal Regency. Every SERUTI officer is expected to maintain data integrity and quality carefully. With good survey governance, data collection results will become a reliable source of information to assist the government in planning and evaluating appropriate and sustainable development.
SERUTI is not just a collection of numbers, but a narrative of community life. With the active role of SERUTI officers and maintained data integrity, Tegal Regency is ready to carve an accurate and meaningful economic story. (Tys)
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