Become a Hero's Message Reader for the First Time - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day

Become a Hero's Message Reader for the First Time

Become a Hero's Message Reader for the First Time

November 10, 2021 | Other Activities

November 10 is National Heroes Day which is always commemorated by the Indonesian people from Sabang to Merauke every year. Happy Hero's Day, to all the heroes who have fought a lot and contributed to this country. It is proper for us as a generation of nation reformers to learn a lot and take lessons from the history of the struggle of the nation's patriots to defend the nation's sovereignty from the hands of the invaders. As a form of commemorating Hero's Day as well as to commemorate the services of the heroes, BPS Tegal Regency today held a National Heroes Day ceremony in an orderly and solemn atmosphere. STIS graduate interns are given the opportunity to become officers of the 2021 Heroes Day Flag Ceremony as a hero message reader.
In this case, it becomes a new thing that is fun for the officer who reads the hero message at the ceremony this morning. “Initially I was not the officer, but because of certain obstacles from the previous officer, finally when the ceremony was about to start I was appointed to replace reading the hero's message. Quite tense at the beginning, need to adjust intonation and pauses between words, there are some words that are not perfectly pronounced in the middle. But overall, everything went smoothly and well in my personal opinion, “said Lathifah. “Reading the messages of the heroes, which are full of meaning and learning, gives me motivation to increase my spirit and struggle to make the process even better. We are potential new heroes in Indonesia's future development journey. Therefore, it is very necessary to always improve our own capacity and abilities according to the expertise we have so that we are able to contribute optimally in facing the changes that exist,” he continued.
Quoted from one of the heroes' messages in the text that was read this morning, “The rise and fall of this country really depends on this nation itself. As unity and concern fade, Indonesia is just a name and a picture of a string of islands on a map. Don't expect other nations to respect this nation, if we ourselves like to deceive our fellow countrymen, destroy and steal the wealth of Mother Earth." (Moh. Hatta)
Independent! Independent! Passion for the Process of becoming a better human being! (Lathifah/ STIS)
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