Pagerwangi Village Prepares to Become a Desa Cantik, Desa Cinta Statistik - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Pagerwangi Village Prepares to Become a Desa Cantik, Desa Cinta Statistik

Pagerwangi Village Prepares to Become a Desa Cantik, Desa Cinta Statistik

September 5, 2024 | Other Activities

Tegal, September 5, 2024 - Pagerwangi Village, Tegal Regency, today held training for field officers in the context of Complete Data Directory Census. The training, which took place from 08:00 to 13:00 WIB, was attended by various parties, including the Head of the Tegal Regency BPS, Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, Expert Statistician Diana Dwi Susanti, Junior Statistician from Bappeda Litbang Leny Nur Rahayu, Village Head of Pagerwangi Waluyo, Tegal Regency Kominfo Department, Beautiful Village BPS Team from Tegal Regency, and Statistical Agents from Pagerwangi Village.


In his address, the Head of the Tegal Regency BPS expressed appreciation and pride for the statistical agents who will collect data on all residents of Pagerwangi Village. He emphasized the importance of participating in the training effectively, considering the many concepts and definitions that need to be understood by the participants.


"I hope all statistical agents can participate in this training with enthusiasm and pay close attention," said Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji. "This data collection uses an Android application, so make sure all agents bring the necessary devices."


In line with the Head of BPS, Village Head of Pagerwangi Waluyo also encouraged the statistical agents to take the training seriously. "Accurate data will greatly benefit the development of Pagerwangi Village," emphasized Waluyo.


The training, led by Diana Dwi Susanti, discussed various important concepts and definitions, such as family definition, income, employment, family living environment, household air pollution, and more.


After the presentation session, the training continued with hands-on practice on each participant's mobile phones. The Beautiful Village Pagerwangi Team provided guidance on document entry procedures, data submission to the server, and other technical aspects.


"The purpose of this training is to equip statistical agents with the knowledge and skills needed to conduct professional interviews with residents," explained Diana Dwi Susanti. "The hope is that Pagerwangi Village will have a complete and accurate data directory that can be used for various development purposes."


This training is expected to foster a love for data and statistics in Pagerwangi Village. With accurate and complete data, it is hoped that Pagerwangi Village can be an example of a Desa Cantik, Desa Cinta Statistik. (Uonk)

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