A Visit to the Regent of Tegal Regarding the Official News of Tegal Regency Statistics 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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A Visit to the Regent of Tegal Regarding the Official News of Tegal Regency Statistics 2021

A Visit to the Regent of Tegal Regarding the Official News of Tegal Regency Statistics 2021

November 30, 2021 | Other Activities

Based on the decision of the Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics Number 9 of 1999, the Official Statistics of Statistics (BRS) is a forum for quickly announcing and disseminating the results of statistical activities organized by the Central Statistics Agency. BRS is published regularly, i.e. every month in the first week and or at any time if there are statistical periodicals that are deemed necessary to be published due to the latest and significant developments in phenomena.
On Monday (29/11), BPS of Tegal Regency paid a visit to the Regent of Tegal, Dra.Hj. Ummi Azizah as a form of submission and submission of the Official Statistics News which was released last Monday as well. In this visit, the Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Ir. Jamaludin, MM was accompanied by KASUBAG General Andi Kurniawan, S.ST, MSi, Coordinator of Social Statistics Function Ratna Sari Dewi, MM and Coordinator of Distribution Statistics Function Ali Fahrudin, S.ST. The Official Statistical Gazette that has been published contains the results of a brief presentation related to the Human Development Index (IPM), Poverty, and the State of Employment in Tegal Regency in 2021.
Broadly speaking, the HDI condition in Tegal Regency in 2021 has increased in all components, both the quality of health, education and adjusted per capita expenditure. Meanwhile, the poverty condition in terms of the percentage of the poor (population with monthly per capita expenditure below the poverty line) in Tegal Regency in 2021 has increased. Then regarding employment, the number of the workforce in August 2021 increased by 621 people compared to the workforce in August 2020.
For more details, all the results of the Official Statistical News released by the Tegal Regency BPS can be accessed on the https://tegalkab.bps.go.id/pressrelease.html page or at the following link:
IPM : http://s.bps.go.id/BRSIPM2021
Poverty : http://s.bps.go.id/BRSKemiskinan2021
Employment : http://s.bps.go.id/BRSKetenagakerjaan2021
The release of the Official Statistical Newsletter shows that BPS Kabupaten Tegal always strives with passion and responsibility to carry out its role as a provider of data needs for the government and society towards a better Indonesia. BPS CAN!(Latifah/STIS)
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