Visit and Gathering of Central Officials to BPS Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Visit and Gathering of Central Officials to BPS Tegal Regency

Visit and Gathering of Central Officials to BPS Tegal Regency

December 30, 2021 | Other Activities

The turn of the Christian year is still two days away. Entering the new year 2022, BPS Tegal Regency is preparing and tidying up various work governance so that in the future it can build better performance compared to the previous year.
Talking about the flow of work changes at BPS, last Monday (13/12), a group of officials from the Central BPS visited and visited BPS in Tegal Regency accompanied by their respective spouses after attending a reception from one of the BPS extended families in Semarang.
The group of officials from the central BPS are Drs. Akhmad Jaelani M.Si, Dr. Adi Lumaksono M.A., Dr. Rusman Heriawan, S.E., M.Sc., Ir. Dudy Saefudin Sulaiman, M.Eng, Moh. Ari Nugraha M.Sc., Ir Agoes Subeno, M.Sc., and Badar, SE.M.Sc. During this visit, all Tegal Regency BPS employees received directions from Drs. Akhmad Jaelani M.Si as Principal Inspector and Dr. Rusman Heriawan, S.E., M.Sc., as the former Head of BPS for the period 2006-2011. Changes that occur in various aspects are rolling very quickly, gradually all conventional work systems will begin to be replaced with IT-based work systems. Therefore, all employees of the Tegal Regency BPS must begin to adapt to all the changes that occur so that they are able to survive in the era of renewal towards optimal work success.
Referring to Presidential Decree No. 39 of 2019 regarding the role of BPS as a statistical advisory institution, various efforts and changes related to the quality of sectoral statistics need to be continuously developed by BPS Tegal Regency towards One Indonesian Data. Administrative completeness and the formation of employee work matrices need to be managed properly so that it is easy to delegate tasks. Lastly, don't forget to make the office like a second home that needs to be cared for and cared for with all your heart so as to create a comfortable and beautiful work environment.
Albert Einstein said, "The measure of a person's intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Cheers, Agent of Change! (Lathifah/STIS)
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