BPS Seeks Statistical Business Process Transformation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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BPS Seeks Statistical Business Process Transformation

BPS Seeks Statistical Business Process Transformation

February 14, 2022 | Other Activities

The era of massive changes caused by innovations that change business systems and arrangements to a newer level or what is commonly referred to as the 'disruption era', requires BPS to be able to provide fast and accurate statistical data. Therefore, the Statistical Business Process Transformation is one of the directions for changing BPS. This was conveyed in the Monday Morning Apple text (14/2), which was read by Jamaludin, Head of BPS Tegal Regency.
One of the steps taken by BPS in this transformation is Survey Relevance Mapping. In 2021, BPS succeeded in reducing the potential for duplication of statistical activities, strengthening the Statistical Business Register which is a source of statistics for business demographics in Indonesia, accelerating the development of data storage, processing and analysis systems. In addition, BPS is an example for ministries, institutions, or agencies to orderly submit statistical metadata.
The next stage is BPS will develop a priority scale for each survey based on the standard criteria that have been set. In addition, BPS will also map household-based surveys to avoid overlapping. (Annie)
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