Internalization of Desa Cantik - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day

Internalization of Desa Cantik

Internalization of Desa Cantik

April 27, 2022 | Other Activities

In preparation for the Cinta Statistik Village Activity Program (Desa Cantik) as one of the External Quick Wins for Bureaucratic Reform (RB) of the Central Statistics Agency for 2022, today, Wednesday 27 April 2022, the 26th day of Ramadan, the Central Statistics Agency of Tegal Regency took part in a virtual event organized by the Central BPS for the Director of Social Resilience Statistics on the Internalization of the Cinta Statistik Village (Desa Cantik), which was attended by nearly 900 participants. The participants who took part in this Internalization consisted of the TIM of the Director of Social Resilience Statistics, the Director of Statistical Analysis and Development, the Director of Statistical Dissemination, the Director of Statistical Information Systems, the Head of the Education and Training Center, the Head of the Program Development Bureau, the Head of the Public Relations and Legal Bureau, the Head of BPS Provinces throughout Indonesia, all KF BPS Provinces throughout Indonesia, Heads of BPS Regency/City throughout Indonesia, all KF BPS Regency/Cities throughout Indonesia, Trustees of Beautiful Villages of BPS Provinces of All Indonesia, Advisors of Beautiful Villages of BPS Regency/Cities throughout Indonesia.
The resource persons included Mr. Imam Machdi, Mrs. Nurma Midayanti Hamid, and Mr. Ateng Hartono with the moderator Mohamad Fadlian Syah. The event ran smoothly from 08.00-11.00 WIB. There were several questioners who enlivened the Zoom Meeting, namely Samsul Munawar and Kus Haryono.
Some of the topics that are quite important in this event are how BPS will develop the Village to become a Beautiful Village, manage existing data, direct village funds to build a better village, explore the potential of the village, can it become a tourist village, have any superior products. , take an inventory of what the village needs, find a solution and then collaborate together to create a Great Country that starts from the village. (Tri)
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