SPLF Koseka and Team Coordination Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day

SPLF Koseka and Team Coordination Meeting

SPLF Koseka and Team Coordination Meeting

May 20, 2022 | BPS Activities

Today, Friday, May 20, 2022, apart from being National Awakening Day, it is also the day when a meeting between Koseka and the Long Form SP2020 activity team is determined in the midst of the LFSP2020 Update. The purpose of the meeting is to check the results of updating the field surveyor in the first block, so that if there is an error it can be detected at the beginning, and it is hoped that the continuation of the next block will not repeat the same error. Various strategies were carried out, various anticipations were carried out, various SOPs were provided for assistance, with one goal, namely to produce quality data for Advanced Indonesia (BPS Vision).
The number of participants was 26 Koseka, 74 Teams and 9 Supervisors, with a total of 109 people, the meeting was chaired by the LFSP2020 Team Leader Adnan Puji Wahyudi. The event went smoothly according to the specified target, and all evaluations would be immediately followed up by the PPL with the supervision of the Team Coordinator and control from Koseka. Bismillah, hopefully the implementation of the SP2020 LongForm Activity in Tegal Regency can be successful and on time. (Tri W).
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