Beautiful Village Coordination Meeting and Technical Guidance Discussion Agreed - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Beautiful Village Coordination Meeting and Technical Guidance Discussion Agreed

Beautiful Village Coordination Meeting and Technical Guidance Discussion Agreed

January 24, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday, January 24 2024, in the meeting room of the Tegal Regency communications and information service, a meeting was held with the Head of the Regional Development Planning, Research and Development Agency, the Head of the Community and Village Empowerment Service, and the Head of the Tegal Regency BPS. This coordination was carried out to follow up on the results of the previous meeting regarding Cantik Village and discussion of agreed data on Regsosek Data Collection Results.

Coordinated by the Communication and Information Service and the Regional Development Planning Agency, Research and Development will provide technical guidance for regional governments to obtain the right to access data from regsosek results on the Bappenas agreed website, the aim being that all OPDs/Village Governments can utilize data from regsosek results for better planning. right on target, so that we can use agreed data from the results of the regsosek which can later be used as a database for existing programs in the village. The initial step that will be taken is that the Communication and Information Service will coordinate the PIC who will follow technical guidance to obtain a certificate of agreed access rights for data use. Later there will be socialization in the 6 former Kawedanan areas regarding beautiful villages and applications to agree on the results of the regsosek. Regsosek data is very useful if it can be used and used as the main reference for development planning. [dds]

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