Monitoring the Census through Advanced Population Census Field Supervision - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Monitoring the Census through Advanced Population Census Field Supervision

Monitoring the Census through Advanced Population Census Field Supervision

June 1, 2022 | BPS Activities

BPS is conducting the 2020 Advanced Population Census or SP2020 Long Form. This census consists of two stages, namely updating population data from 15 to 31 May 2022 and collecting data using a Long Form questionnaire from 1 to 30 June 2022.

The method used in data collection of this Long Form Questionnaire is CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview), with the help of an android-based application, namely FASIH (Flexible And Authentic Survey Instrument Harmony). The purpose of this data collection is to collect data related to demographic parameters (birth, migration, and death), education, disability, employment, housing, and other important information.
FASIH Survey Management is a module that can be used for survey management such as creating surveys, uploading samples, adding officers, creating officer structures and assigning samples to officers.
Jamaludin, Head of BPS Tegal Regency, carried out the supervision of the SP2020 Long Form in Pangkah District on Wednesday (1/6). Supervision is one of the important points at this stage of the activity. This aims to ensure the implementation of the SOP & SP2020 Long Form Business Process by census officers goes well. In addition, this activity is carried out to monitor whether there are obstacles faced by census officers in the field. (ann)
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