Field Data Collection Supervision Supporting Quarterly GDP - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Field Data Collection Supervision Supporting Quarterly GDP

Field Data Collection Supervision Supporting Quarterly GDP

October 14, 2024 | BPS Activities

In order to obtain accurate and reliable data, field supervision of secondary data collection supporting Quarterly GDP is crucial. This survey involves several relevant departments including the Tegal District UPPD (Samsat), the Transportation Department, and the DPMPTSP, conducted simultaneously on the same day, Monday, October 14, 2024.

The collection of supporting data for Quarterly GDP aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the regional economic development. This data serves as the basis for formulating appropriate policies to enhance the economy.

Field supervision is carried out through visits to selected respondents for coordination and to establish better relationships in the future. All relevant departments, namely the Samsat Office, the Transportation Department, and the DPMPTSP, are visited one by one to meet with the data handlers and ensure that the data will be submitted to BPS Kabupaten Tegal within the specified timeframe.
Each department/OPD has specific data specifications including:

  • Samsat Office: Collecting data on new and used motor vehicles;
  • Transportation Department: Recording the number of passengers for all terminals in the Tegal District and also ferry transportation if applicable;
  • DPMPTSP: Gathering data related to investments and business permits in the region.

In this data collection method, direct interviews are conducted to ensure that the required data aligns with the request form and to establish better coordination with the department/OPD respondents, considering that the required data will continue periodically. Therefore, if there is any data discrepancy, it can be confirmed directly to obtain valid and up-to-date data.

Effective field supervision ensures that the supporting data collected for Quarterly GDP is accurate and reliable. Coordination and cooperation among the department/OPD respondents are key to success in obtaining quality data, which is subsequently used for making appropriate economic policies. (haka)

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