BPS Holds Socialization of BKN Regulations to Avoid “Scurvy Disease” (Lack of Discipline) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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BPS Holds Socialization of BKN Regulations to Avoid “Scurvy Disease” (Lack of Discipline)

BPS Holds Socialization of BKN Regulations to Avoid “Scurvy Disease” (Lack of Discipline)

June 14, 2022 | Other Activities

Government Regulation Number 94 of 2021 concerning Civil Servant Discipline (PNS) which was promulgated on August 31, 2021 is a new provision regarding civil servant discipline which was previously regulated in PP Number 53 of 2010. As an implementation provision of PP Number 94 of 2021, has been issued Regulation of the State Civil Service Agency Number 6 of 2022 which was stipulated on April 6, 2022.
To take preventive steps against employee discipline violations against the new provisions, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) RI held a Socialization of the BKN Regulation on June 14, 2022 which was attended by all employees within BPS, both at the center, province and district/city including employees BPS Tegal Regency. The event which was held online through the media zoom meeting and youtube channel of the BPS HR Bureau was opened by the Head of the BPS HR Bureau, Atas Parlindungan Lubis, S.Si., M.Sc., by presenting resource persons from the State Civil Service Agency (BKN).
In the presentation of the socialization it was conveyed that what was meant by civil servant discipline was the ability of civil servants to comply with their obligations and avoid the prohibitions specified in the laws and regulations. In the PP there are 17 (seventeen) obligations and 14 (fourteen) prohibitions that must be a serious concern for civil servants in order to avoid disciplinary violations.
Discipline Violation is every word, writing, or act of a civil servant who does not comply with the obligations and/or violates the prohibition on the provisions of civil servant discipline, whether carried out outside of working hours.
In addition, it was also explained, a number of changes to the provisions of civil servant discipline from PP No. 53 of 2010 became PP No. 94 of 2021, among others, is related to a change in the understanding of Entering Work. Entering work in the new PP is defined as the state of carrying out tasks both inside and outside the office. This PP also explains that punishments or sanctions for violations of civil servant discipline are punishments imposed on civil servants who do not comply with their obligations and violate the prohibition of civil servant discipline provisions.
Sanctions include ranging from light sanctions to severe sanctions. One example, as in Article 11 paragraph (2) letter d number (4) PP Number 94 of 2021, that sanctions include being imposed on civil servants who are absent or absent from work for no reason. cumulatively valid, in the article it reads: "Respectful dismissal not at his own request as a civil servant for civil servants who do not come to work without valid reasons continuously for 10 (ten) working days." Meanwhile, civil servants who do not come to work without valid reasons cumulatively for 28 working days or more in 1 year, will also be fired. However, the dismissal is still done with respect.
In addition to dismissal, another type of sanction is in the form of demotion one level lower for 12 months for civil servants who skip work without valid reasons cumulatively for 21-24 working days a year. Exemption from his position as an executor for 12 months for civil servants who skip work without valid reasons cumulatively for 25-27 working days in a year.
It is hoped that through this socialization activity, all BPS employees from the center to the regions can understand and comply with the provisions stipulated in PP Number 94 of 2021. By understanding these regulations, employees will not be infected with "scurvy" (lack of discipline) and will be more enthusiastic and productive in their work while still upholding the core values ​​of ASN Morals which is an acronym for Service Oriented; Accountable; Competent; Harmonious; Loyal; Adaptive; and Collaborative. (=alpha=)
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