The familiarity of the Deputy for Social Affairs of the BPS RI with the SP2020 officers Continued - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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The familiarity of the Deputy for Social Affairs of the BPS RI with the SP2020 officers Continued

The familiarity of the Deputy for Social Affairs of the BPS RI with the SP2020 officers Continued

June 24, 2022 | BPS Activities

In order to evaluate the implementation of the Advanced Population Census (SP2020), BPS held a LF SP2020 work team meeting which was attended by officers namely PPL (Field Enumerator Officer), Kortim (Team Coordinator), Koseka (Sub-district Census Coordinator) and the Supervision Team. The meeting was divided into several centers which were held simultaneously on Friday, June 24, 2022.
Deputy for Social Statistics BPS RI, Dr. Ateng Hartono SE, M.Si is pleased to directly visit one of the evaluation centers, namely the Dukuhturi Center. The visit of the Deputy, who was accompanied by Statistisi Ahli Madya BPS Provinci Jawa Tengah, Muh Saichudin S.Si, M.Si; Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Jamaludin, MM; Head of the General Sub-Section of BPS Tegal Regency, Andi Kurniawan SST., M.Si; and Statistician Young Expert BPS Tegal Regency, Ratna Sari Dewi M.M was immediately greeted with enthusiasm by the participants. The arrival of Mr. Deputy with his entourage gave his own enthusiasm for the participants in the success of the LF SP2020 activities, especially field activities which ended this June.
On that occasion, the deputy had a direct dialogue with the officers regarding the implementation, obstacles, joys and sorrows felt by the officers in the field. An aura of intimacy and warmth was felt when the deputy began to talk intimately with the officers even though he had just met in person. Experiences in the field were conveyed one by one from field officers, ranging from the difficulty of meeting respondents up to 7 visits, the difficulty of convincing respondents that officers were official officers from BPS, respondents who only accepted officers outside the fence, not to mention when the weather was not friendly and so on. . Failure to upload data is also a problem for officers, considering the method used in collecting data for this Long Form Questionnaire is CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview).
Despite facing various difficulties, it does not necessarily make the officers discouraged because the respondents who received the arrival of the officers in a friendly and welcome manner were also not small. Respondents' answers during the interview became a morale booster for the officers. Moreover, when successfully uploading data without being constrained, it provides strong energy to complete field activities on time.
In the intimate conversation, the Deputy also provided solutions for responding to respondents who have different characteristics, tips and tricks in using the right time to upload data on the application used by occasionally inserting words of encouragement for the officers. The dialogue, which was accompanied by laughter, ended with the direction of the Deputy to always maintain communication between officers, maintain cohesiveness in the team and to always maintain health.
At the end of the visit at this evaluation meeting he said "When we think positively about any problem, there will be positive lessons that we can get". One team must support and support each other, because that is the key to the team's success. And foster a sense of optimism for officers in carrying out field activities according to SOPs and can be completed on time which in turn will produce quality data. (Mart)

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