Statistical Work Area Boundary Reconciliation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Statistical Work Area Boundary Reconciliation

Statistical Work Area Boundary Reconciliation

August 1, 2022 | BPS Activities

On August 1, 2022 BPS Tegal Regency held a Boundary Reconciliation of the Statistical Working Area of ​​the BPS Regency of Tegal with the Statistical Working Area of ​​the BPS City of Tegal. The reconciliation participants from the Tegal Regency BPS were Sodikin, Puji Astuti and Martin Muktiasih, while the Tegal City BPS was Hery Hermawan as the Head of the Mapping Team.

 Reconciliation of the Wilkerstat boundary between Tegal Regency and Tegal City was carried out at the BPS Office of Tegal City and in Dukuhturi District, especially in Grogol Village, Kepandean Village, and Pengabean Village. The background of this activity was because it was found that several changes to the SLS boundary were found in the outer ring area of ​​Tegal Regency, especially those bordering Tegal City, so that with this activity it is expected to produce a suitable Statistical Work Area Map between the Tegal Regency wilkerstat boundary and the Tegal City wilkerstat boundary.

 After seeing firsthand the field conditions in all census blocks identified as experiencing changes in the SLS limit, it was obtained from the 5 CBs that experienced changes in SLS, there were 4 CBs and 1 CB according to field conditions. The change in regional boundaries was due to a misrepresentation in the 2019 mapping. It is hoped that in the future a better map will be obtained for data collection at BPS. (mm)
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