Statistical Coaching Clinic towards One Data Indonesia - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day

Statistical Coaching Clinic towards One Data Indonesia

Statistical Coaching Clinic towards One Data Indonesia

August 2, 2022 | Other Activities

On (2/8/2022) and (3/8/2022) the Tegal Regency Communication and Information Office (Kominfo) held a Statistical Coaching Clinic (SCC) at the Candra Kirana Building, Tegal Regency Government Complex. This Statistical Coaching Clinic (SCC) is carried out on the basis of Presidential Regulation Number 39 of 2019 concerning One Indonesian Data and Regent's Regulation Number 62 of 2022 concerning the Implementation of One Data for Tegal Regency which requires guidance, mutual understanding, and synergy so that the goal of obtaining One Data is Sectoral Statistics in Tegal Regency can be realized well.
This activity was attended by Leny Nur Rahayu SAD Astuti from Bappeda Litbang and Andi Kurniawan and Sodikin from BPS as resource persons, while participants were representatives of each sub-district in which 18 sub-districts in Tegal Regency were divided into 2 different schedules.
On this occasion, the resource persons and organizers emphasized to the participants the importance of data management according to data standards and interoperability rules. With good data management, it is hoped that sectoral data in Tegal Regency can be integrated for the realization of One Tegal Regency Data as a supporter of One Indonesia Data. So that the sectoral data becomes data that is accurate, up-to-date, integrated, responsible, and can be shared with both OPD and the general public in need. (T1K4)
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