First Evaluation of the 2022 Regsosek Preliminary Data Collection Officer - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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First Evaluation of the 2022 Regsosek Preliminary Data Collection Officer

First Evaluation of the 2022 Regsosek Preliminary Data Collection Officer

October 18, 2022 | BPS Activities

Today (18/10/22) the First Meeting of Regsosek Initial Data Collection officers was held which included Field Data Collection Officers (PPL), Field Supervisory Officers (PML) and District Census Coordinators (Koseka). This meeting was held simultaneously in 4 different places, namely: Hotel Grand Dian Guci, Hotel Grand Dian Slawi, Hotel Karlita Tegal and Hotel Premire Tegal.
This meeting was planned for three times. Head of the Central Bureau of Statistics of Tegal Regency, Jamaludin, had the opportunity to visit this first meeting. He said that the Evaluation Meeting was held to minimize errors in the field. In addition, there are also several new confirmations that need to be conveyed to the officers.
There were several findings from the officers, for example, there was one family with several family cards, there were small children who went to other families because their parents had migrated, there were families who could not be found, and various other findings that occurred in the field. This was all discussed in this meeting between PPL and PML. Besides that, the wilkerstat application is also used for tagging houses of residents who have difficulty accessing, token codes for logging in and so on.
The head of the Tegal Regency BPS said that officers must be able to manage time to be able to complete this regsosek activity properly. Due to the unfriendly weather, it usually rains in the afternoon, even though the residents are usually there in the afternoon. Hopefully all officers can complete this regsosek activity properly and correctly. (uonk)
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