Enumeration of the Chairperson of the Tegal Regency DPRD - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Enumeration of the Chairperson of the Tegal Regency DPRD

Enumeration of the Chairperson of the Tegal Regency DPRD

November 1, 2022 | BPS Activities

Today, Tuesday, November 1, 2022, the chairman of the Tegal Regency DPRD, Moh Faiq, SPI received the arrival of a Regsosek officer in his office. The officer is a data collection officer from Talang District. M Nurul Khaldan as PPL accompanied by Moh. Agus Ikhwan (PML) and Sigit Prasetyo (KOSEKA) as well as the head of the Regsosek team, Mrs. Ratna Sari Dewi, MSi and Head of BPS Tegal Regency, Mr. Ir. Jamaludin, MM

He was very welcoming and friendly. He without hesitation gave answers to every question the officer asked.

Mr. Moh Faiq, SPI also appealed to the wider community to accept the arrival of the 2022 Resgsosek officers and be open when giving answers in order to obtain accurate data.(Mila 'N Wiwit)
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