Workshop Backoffice Selindo (BOS) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day

Workshop Backoffice Selindo (BOS)

Workshop Backoffice Selindo (BOS)

February 14, 2023 | Other Activities

Semarang, 13-14 February 2023 BPS Central Java Province held a Backoffice Selindo Workshop or introduced as BOS at the Khas Semarang hotel. BPS Province invited BOS admins from BPS Kabupaten/Kota with two representatives each. 
The event was opened by the Head of the General Section of BPS Central Java Province Mr. Joko Suwarjo, S.Si, Msi in the opening he encouraged the participants to be able to follow the workshop well and be able to implement BOS in their respective work units.
The workshop was filled by a resource person from the BPS RI Planning Bureau, Mr. Syarifudin Yahya S.AP, M.Ec.Dev. The resource person practiced how to use the BOS application in detail step by step and then gave participants the opportunity to try it themselves. 
Broadly speaking, BOS is a forum to facilitate each BPS Work Unit in budget management. The BOS application has also been integrated with Kaizala, so that employee attendance is automatically recorded. This is related to the payment of allowances, meal allowances, and employee overtime. 
The existence of the BOS application is expected to make management more enjoyable and well-organized. If there is something easy and practical, why choose something difficult. (Mila)
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