KONSERDA PDRB BY EXPENDITURE 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day



February 15, 2023 | BPS Activities

On February 13-16, 2023, the Central Java Provincial BPS held a Regional Simultaneous Consultation of Regency / City GRDP by Expenditure, where the participants were all members of the Regency / City BPS Balance Sheet team throughout Central Java, the event was held at the Metro Park View Hotel Semarang.
During the opening ceremony, which was opened by the Head of the Provincial BPS Balance Sheet Team Mr. Didik Nur Setyohadi, the material was also presented by Mr. Hadi Susanto, MA from the Directorate of Expenditure Balance Sheet of BPS RI. The material was of high quality, making the participants open their minds about everything related to the GDRP Expenditure component, namely about Government Expenditure Consumption. Unexpected things and phenomena that occur, as well as approaches that can be taken to calculate GRDP Expenditure are enlightened in this event. The material was closed with a question and answer session to give a drink to participants who were thirsty for GRDP knowledge from the experts directly.
The second day to the fourth day was filled with a recon schedule per component, where there are 7 components of the Expenditure GRDP. In between the recon there was additional material that supported the understanding of each component.
The event was closed on the fourth day at 12.00 WIB, participants returned to their respective homes with satisfied and happy hearts. (tri)
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