National Statistics Day Ceremony 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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National Statistics Day Ceremony 2023

National Statistics Day Ceremony 2023

September 26, 2023 | Other Activities

On Tuesday, September 26, 2023, Tegal Regency celebrated the National Statistics Day with an unforgettable historical event. The spirited ceremony was led by Ir. Jamaludin MM, Head of BPS Tegal Regency, who acted as the inspector. With the theme "Quality Statistics for Advanced Indonesia," the event inspired the spirit of nationalism.

During the memorable ceremony, three dedicated employees, namely Anni Shofiyati, Prawoto, and Sugeng Prayitno, were given special awards in the form of satya lencana karya satya certificates. They have faithfully served for 10 and 20 years in BPS Tegal Regency, showing extraordinary commitment to their work in collecting and managing quality statistical data.

Not only that, the day also witnessed the taking of the civil servant oath for 14 talented individuals who will join the Tegal District BPS team. This moment exuded a new spirit in the effort to improve the quality of national statistics.

The National Statistics Day 2023 in Tegal Regency was not only a celebration, but also a momentum to recognize the dedication of old employees and give the opportunity to new ones to swear in a noble mission for a more advanced Indonesia. (Wind)
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