Photographing the Employment Conditions of the Community of the District of Tegal - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Photographing the Employment Conditions of the Community of the District of Tegal

Photographing the Employment Conditions of the Community of the District of Tegal

August 22, 2023 | BPS Activities

This August, the Central Statistical Agency across Indonesia is conducting the National Labour Force Survey (Sakernas) without exception in the BPS district of Tegal. The aim of this survey is to photograph the conditions of employment in Indonesia in general and the district of Tegal in particular. Many of the data generated by this survey include the labour force, unemployment rates, employment opportunities, and so on. 
The outcome of Sakernas is crucial for the government to decide what policy to do. Furthermore, data obtained from Sakernas in previous years can also be compared and used as an evaluation of policies that have been implemented in the past.
This year, as many as 760 samples of households scattered in 76 census blocks across the district of Tegal will be visited by previously trained Tegal district BPS survey officers. 
So for the success of the survey and as a public support for this activity, it is hoped that the public will be able to provide the information needed as it is. So that the policy of the government is appropriate and in line with the conditions of employment of the community of the district of Tegal.Garn)

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