Wareg Friday Activities (Waras Bregas Resik and Guyup) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Wareg Friday Activities (Waras Bregas Resik and Guyup)

Wareg Friday Activities (Waras Bregas Resik and Guyup)

September 1, 2023 | Other Activities

On Friday, September 1, BPS Tegal Regency again carried out Friday Wareg (Waras Bregas Resik and Guyup) activities. This activity is one of the flagship programs of BPS Tegal Regency which is carried out every Friday. The purpose of this activity is to promote cleanliness and unity among all BPS employees.

On that day, the activity began with cleaning the office yard, workspace, bathrooms, parking lot, and document storage in the warehouse. All employees, including leaders, enthusiastically participated in this activity to maintain the cleanliness and sustainability of the office environment.

After the cleaning, the Friday Wareg activity ended with a meal together. The food served is the result of cooking from the women employees. This activity not only aims to maintain office cleanliness, but also to strengthen social relations among all employees and leaders of BPS Tegal Regency. (Wind)

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