Independence Day Commemoration Ceremony - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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February 13: Indonesian Pharmaceutical Unity Day

Independence Day Commemoration Ceremony

Independence Day Commemoration Ceremony

August 17, 2022 | Other Activities

On Wednesday, August 17, 2022, the 77th Independence Day Flag Ceremony of the Republic of Indonesia will be held at the Tegal Regency BPS page. This event was attended by all employees of the Tegal Regency BPS with the Ceremony Supervisor being the Head of the General Subdivision, Andi Kurniawan. Meanwhile, the Head of BPS for Tegal Regency, Jamaludin, attended the ceremony at the Tegal Regency Government Courtyard along with all OPDs in Tegal Regency.

In accordance with the theme of the anniversary of the Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia this year, “Recover faster, rise stronger”, BPS employees are invited to respect each other and work together to build Indonesia. Even though there are differences ranging from ethnicity, language, religion, race, and culture.

Let's remain solid and compact in providing quality statistical data, together we're better and stronger, working hard to prove that BPS data is of high quality, reliable, and can be accounted for. (uonk)
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