Grain Price Supervision at BPS Tegal Regency: Improving Accuracy of Agricultural Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Grain Price Supervision at BPS Tegal Regency: Improving Accuracy of Agricultural Data

Grain Price Supervision at BPS Tegal Regency: Improving Accuracy of Agricultural Data

October 13, 2023 | BPS Activities

On Friday, October 13, 2023, BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics) of the Republic of Indonesia conducted a very important supervision activity in Tegal Regency. The supervision focused on grain prices, a vital element in the agricultural economy. In order to ensure the accuracy of agricultural data, the supervision team consisted of competent individuals who play an important role in maintaining the quality of agricultural economic information.

Supervision Team

The supervision team involved in this activity consists of:

1. Kurniati, S.ST, M.Si (BPS RI): A statistician with a wealth of experience at BPS RI, who has contributed to the development and supervision of national economic data.

2. Moh. Bakhtiar Helmi, SST (Junior Statistician, BPS Tegal Regency): As a young statistician, he brings fresh energy and updated knowledge in data collection and analysis.

3. Martin Muktiasih, S.Stat (First Statistician, BPS Tegal Regency), Anni Shofiyati, S.Stat (Managing Statistician) and Sakti Eko Haryanto (Managing Statistician): As members of the Producer Price Statistics Team.  Experienced statisticians who have long played a role in ensuring accurate data at the kabupaten level.

4. Partner of BPS Tegal Regency, Arif Supriyatno: As a partner in direct contact with businesses in the region, he brings a deep understanding of the conditions in the field.

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