Evaluation Meeting for Priority Data 2023 and Mapping of Priority Data 2024 at Bappeda Litbang - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Evaluation Meeting for Priority Data 2023 and Mapping of Priority Data 2024 at Bappeda Litbang

Evaluation Meeting for Priority Data 2023 and Mapping of Priority Data 2024 at Bappeda Litbang

July 11, 2024 | Other Activities

On Thursday, July 11, 2024, the Regional Development Planning Agency (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah) and Development Research (Penelitian Pembangunan) in Tegal Regency held an important meeting. The purpose of this meeting was to evaluate priority data for the year 2023 and plan the mapping of priority data for 2024. The event was attended by all Local Government Agencies (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah, OPD) and sectoral statistical supervisors from BPS Tegal Regency.

During the meeting, two main speakers provided valuable insights. From BPS, Statistisi Madya (Senior Statistician) Diana Dwi Susanti was present. Meanwhile, from Bappeda, Statistisi Muda (Junior Statistician) Leny Nur Rahayu also contributed to the discussion. Participants discussed all the necessary data to identify priorities in Tegal Regency.

May the outcomes of this meeting provide better guidance for regional planning and decision-making in development. 

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