Monday Ngangenin: Internalization of Changes in Romantik Application - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Monday Ngangenin: Internalization of Changes in Romantik Application

Monday Ngangenin: Internalization of Changes in Romantik Application

November 6, 2023 | Other Activities

On Monday, 06 November 2023, BPS Tegal Regency held a Monday Ngangenin activity with the theme "Internalization of Romantik Application Changes". This activity aims to provide socialization and training to all BPS Tegal Regency employees about changes to the Romantik application used for submitting recommendations for sectoral statistical activities.

The Romantik application is an application developed by BPS Headquarters to facilitate the process of submitting, assessing, and approving recommendations for sectoral statistical activities carried out by work units within BPS. This application aims to improve efficiency, transparency, and accountability in managing recommendations for sectoral statistical activities.

The speaker in this Monday Ngangenin activity was Uziroh, S.Stat., who is a staff of IPDS BPS Tegal Regency. He explained that starting June 22, 2023, submission of recommendations for sectoral statistical activities must be made through the Romantik 2.0 Application which can be accessed at the following link: []. This Romantik 2.0 application has several changes and feature improvements compared to the Romantik 1.0 application.
He also reminded that to view or process recommendation submissions submitted before June 22, 2023, employees must open the Romantik 1.0 Application which can be accessed at the following link: []. This Romantik 1.0 application will still function until the end of 2023, but it cannot be used for submitting new recommendations.
In addition, he also explained the procedures for using the Romantik 2.0 web application from user registration, to data entry for Statistical Activity Recommendations for each OPD that is assisted in Sectoral Statistics activities. 
This Monday Ngangenin activity was attended by all BPS Tegal Regency employees enthusiastically and interactively. They asked various questions and suggestions related to the Romantik 2.0 Application. This activity is expected to improve the quality and performance of Tegal Regency BPS employees in carrying out sectoral statistical activities in accordance with applicable standards and procedures.(Wind)
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