Submission of Tegal Regency Employment Figures - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Submission of Tegal Regency Employment Figures

Submission of Tegal Regency Employment Figures

November 22, 2023 | Other Activities

On Tuesday, November 21, 2023, BPS Tegal Regency officially delivered the results of the 2023 Labor Force Survey to relevant parties, namely Tegal Regent Umi Azizah, Tegal Regional Secretary Amir Mahmud, and Head of DPMPTSP Desi Arifianto, as well as head of the Manpower Office Riski Risbiantoro. The meeting served as a forum to discuss strategic steps that could be taken to maintain and improve positive employment conditions in Tegal Regency.
In 2023, the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) reached 8.60 percent, a decrease of 1.04 percentage points when compared to the 2022 figure. This decline in unemployment illustrates that the investment and entrepreneurship program in Tegal Regency is running well and in accordance with the development goal of reducing unemployment.
Along with the decline in the unemployment rate, the number of labor force in Tegal Regency in 2023 reached 850,930 people, showing a significant increase of 19.58 percent compared to the same period in the previous year. Not only that, the Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) also increased by 2.07 percentage points, reaching 67.61 percent in 2023. This increase reflects that Tegal Regency has become a magnet for job seekers.
Policy makers showed a positive response to the results announced by BPS, focusing on further efforts to support economic growth and create more employment opportunities for the people of Tegal Regency. The involvement of relevant parties signifies a shared commitment to continuously monitor and advance the labor sector to improve the welfare of the local community. (uong)
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