Sectoral Statistics of the Tegal Regency Fisheries Service - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Sectoral Statistics of the Tegal Regency Fisheries Service

Sectoral Statistics of the Tegal Regency Fisheries Service

November 27, 2023 | Other Activities

Sectoral statistics is one of the activities carried out by the Tegal Regency Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) together with the Tegal Regency Communication and Information Agency (Diskominfo) to improve the quality of data and information produced by development sectors. One of the sectors that is the focus of sectoral statistical guidance is the fisheries sector, which has an important role in the economy and food security of Tegal Regency.

On Monday, November 27, 2023, BPS Tegal Regency and Diskominfo Tegal Regency conducted guidance on sectoral statistics at the Tegal Regency Fisheries Service. This activity aimed to provide guidance and facilitation to employees of the fisheries service in filling out the Romantik application (Recommendation for Statistical Activities). The Romantik application is an information system developed by BPS to manage statistical activity plans and reports carried out by government agencies.

From BPS Tegal Regency, this activity was represented by Henny K, Adiprima W and Winda DJ. From Diskominfo Tegal Regency, Fitriani Naelil Adibah was present. They explained the concept, benefits, and procedures for filling out the Romantik application. In addition, they also provided examples and simulations of filling out the Romantik application according to the needs and characteristics of the fisheries service.

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