Evaluation of Sectoral Statistical Data and the Declaration of Village Love Statistics 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Evaluation of Sectoral Statistical Data and the Declaration of Village Love Statistics 2024

Evaluation of Sectoral Statistical Data and the Declaration of Village Love Statistics 2024

May 22, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday, May 22 2024, at the Tegal Regency Regent's Meeting Room, the Tegal Regency Communication and Information Service together with the Tegal Regency Central Statistics Agency held an Evaluation of the Implementation of One Sectoral Statistical Data Activity and the Designation of Beautiful Villages (Village of Love Statistics) in 2024. The event was opened directly by The Regional Secretary of Tegal Regency, Mr. Amir Makhmud, S.E, M.Si, was also present, the head of the Tegal Regency Bappedalitbang, Mr. M. Faried Wajdy, S.Sos., M.Si. The activity began with a report from the Organizer of the Sectoral Statistics data activity, Ms. Nurhayati, MM. He said that if a job is done together it will feel easy, as well as the implementation of sectoral statistical data and the implementation of beautiful villages which require good cooperation and collaboration between related stakeholders with good cooperation. Hopefully our goals together will be achieved with optimal. The evaluation was carried out by reviewing the activities that had been carried out, namely coaching the 30 related OPDs. The hope is that this will become a foothold for OPD in carrying out its statistical activities. The launch of the Beautiful Village of Tegal Regency is the first step in implementing the Love Statistics Village (Desa Cantik) where the hope is that the village will be able to manage the data it has for village development towards a developed village. pilot project for beautiful villages in Tegal district, namely Pagerwangi village, Racingulang sub-district, Ujungrusi village, Adiwerna sub-district and Sidapurna village, Dukuhturi sub-district.
Followed by remarks by the regional secretary of Tegal district, Mr. Amir Makhmud, who also opened the event for the Evaluation of the Implementation of One Sectoral Statistical Data Activity and the Declaration of the Village of Love Statistics 2024. The declaration for the 3 villages was launched directly by the Regional Secretary of Tegal Regency.
The event continued with a presentation by the Head of the Tegal Regency Communication and Information Service, Mrs. Nurhayati, MM regarding Evaluation of Tegal Regency Sectoral Statistics Activities and continued with an explanation by the Head of Tegal Regency BPS Mr. Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji, SST, M.Si regarding Development of Sectoral Statistics and Cinta Village 2024 Statistics.
By holding sectoral statistical activities, it is hoped that the information obtained can become the basis for more precise and effective policies in overcoming various problems in various sectors, such as the economy, education, health, etc.
The launch of the Love Statistics Village in 2024 can be an important momentum to increase public awareness of the importance of statistics in development. Through this program, it is hoped that the community, especially at the village level, can better understand and utilize statistical data to develop local potential, plan development and monitor progress.
With this, it is hoped that sectoral statistical activities and the 2024 Love Village Statistics can become concrete steps towards more sustainable and inclusive development, as well as improving the welfare of society as a whole. [U21]
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