Evaluation Meeting of Distribution Statistics for Semester 1 of 2022 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Evaluation Meeting of Distribution Statistics for Semester 1 of 2022

Evaluation Meeting of Distribution Statistics for Semester 1 of 2022

August 24, 2022 | BPS Activities

On Wednesday (24/8/2022) an Evaluation of Distribution Statistics Activities was held which was attended by 8 enumerators, 7 supervisors, and 5 entry officers in the Tegal Regency BPS Meeting Room. Head of the Distribution Statistics Team, Ali Fahrudin, said that distribution statistics activities are routine monthly activities such as Price Statistics, Hotel Statistics, and others. There are also annual reports such as cooperatives and financial institutions.

This meeting was opened by the Head of the General Subdivision, Andi Kurniawan and lasted until the afternoon. In his speech, Andi said that in Distribution Statistics there are many activities, and they are routine every month so that it requires good commitment from officers and supervisors.

 The meeting started with an interactive quiz guided by the team leader, Ali Fahrudin. Officers are required to write down 3 types of surveys that are usually carried out in the field. The officer answered in accordance with the activities usually carried out by the officer.

From the staff's input, the main obstacle is access to be able to enter and meet with respondents, which routinely makes respondents bored with meeting officers, besides that it is also difficult to meet annual survey respondents. In the future, it is hoped that this evaluation can make Distribution Statistics activities run with few obstacles. (Mart/Ann)
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