Evaluation Meeting and Action Plan of BPS Tegal Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Tegal Regency

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Evaluation Meeting and Action Plan of BPS Tegal Regency

Evaluation Meeting and Action Plan of BPS Tegal Regency

December 29, 2023 | Other Activities

Slawi, December 29, 2023. The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Tegal Regency held an evaluation meeting of activities during 2023 and an action plan for 2024. The meeting was chaired by Head of BPS Tegal Regency Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji and attended by all BPS Tegal Regency employees.

During the meeting, Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji conveyed several important points that need to be considered by Tegal Regency BPS employees, among others:

Discipline in working hours. Employees are expected to be present on time and report if there is a business need outside the office. Employees are also asked not to leave the office without permission or a clear reason.

Cleanliness of the office environment. Employees are asked to keep the office clean and tidy as a form of shared responsibility. Employees are also expected to maintain and care for office facilities.

Administrative housekeeping. Employees are asked to complete all administration related to BPS Tegal Regency activities, such as reports, letters, documents, and others. Employees are also asked to comply with the rules and procedures that apply at BPS Tegal Regency.

Reporting of SPT, LHKASN, and LHKPN. Employees are asked to immediately prepare and send SPT, LHKASN, and LHKPN reports in accordance with applicable regulations. The report is a form of obligation and responsibility of employees as state civil apparatus (ASN).
Action plan for 2024. Employees were asked to compile and submit action plans for activities in 2024, both technically and administratively. The action plan must be in accordance with the vision, mission, and objectives of BPS Tegal Regency, as well as referring to the directives and policies from BPS Pusat.
Bambang Wahyu Ponco Aji hopes that the evaluation meeting and action plan can improve the performance and quality of BPS Tegal Regency in carrying out its duties and functions as an institution responsible for providing statistical data and information in Tegal Regency. (wind)

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